The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

A of- sp.QTO Mil SPORTS By the leading writers. Baseball boxing, wrestling basket ball football, swimming, track, field, teams, golf, bone racing and other sports events covered by experts Raspberries and Cream A bom cooked sports meal, Rasp, berries and Cream, by Joe R. Car. ter, Sbreveport Times' sports editor, that interests all fans. Leading writers of nation on sport subjects WEDNESDAY MORNING JUNE 27, 1928 HEARN PITCHES SPORTS TO WIN OVER BEARS WCAL'S NEW SOUTHPAW WIMBLEDON STAGES COMEBACK AS SPORT (.

if. CENTER WITH BIG TENNIS TOURNAMENT ROBERTSON, WITH FULL AUTHORITY EXPECTS NO TROUBLE AT OLYMPICS ALSO HELPS OWN CAUSE WITH TIMELY STICK WORK Sigel Gets Busy On Big Contest SAN ANTONIO. Texas, June 26. Shreveport moved up whhiit a game of the first division today by outclassing the Bears in a fdogged struggle the score of which was 7 to o. On the hottest afternoon of the season Bunny Hearn pitched his first complete game for 'the Sports, shading Tink Riviere, Bruin ace.

Shreveport got nine hits and used eight of them in scoring. The Bears got seven and used six of them in pushing runs over the pan. For Shreveport Riviere started wild, walking Whalenf ni Kilduff and hitting Bears a one In the side with a fast one. filling the bases. Wilson's sharp single Sicored two.

And, after Cox grounded SOX f'3 A 7 the pitcher. Woehrs hit brought home Sears, giving Shreveport In the (4jjrB6 jrauie. The Bears came back for two on ajo's triple, Ballew's double, a bad opper over Kilduff by Mulvey that icored Ballew. Mulvey's backhand atch off Hearn's drive prevented a Houston, Texas, June 28 Special 1. Following closely on the heels of Monday night's championship match between Ed (Strangler) Lewis, world's heavyweight mat champ, and Joe Malcewlcz.

Utlca Panther. Promoter Julius Sigel of Shreveport, brother of Morris Sigel, who sponsored the Lewls-Malcewlcz mat extravaganza hare, announced that plans were developing rapidly for a show of major Importance In Shreveport shortly. The "Strangler" retained his championship against Malcewlcz here Monday night In what proved to be one of the biggest matches of the season, drawing between 10,000 and 12.000 fans and paying a net gate of nearly J50.000. r.Au-ia vrrv nearlv shorn of his 'Mole and a Shreveport run in the second. The Bears tied the score In Itheir half on Meyer's triple and a fsacrlflce fly Vy Boggess.

Both Riviere end Hearns settled down for the next couple of frames, but successive scratch hits by Hearn, Whelan and Kilduff. followed by Sears' clean smack to right, provided the Sports with a two-run margin in the fifth. wheisn.ib i'w Ji 1 Kilduff, 2b 4 1 1 3 2 0 ffJTjfJL II JXf I I Sears, If 41 2 2 0 1 I M'A sCX 1 Tfr '-tV? JXrHT Wilson, cf 5 0 1 4 0 0 ItVifFXL? '44 "if Woehrs, 3b 4 1 1 3 4 0 V- JU "-1r JVKv 'TO i Deviveros. ss 3 0 0 0 4 0 Wliit VJytWW 1 'fMliii Tobln, 3 0 0 2 0 0 vmmmwmY? fBIHl Totals 34 7 9 27 12 2 tf' ZTT.r:.s:..::::t 3 to it VUcoste Ballew, 3b 4 2 2 0 5 0 S. iVf M- 'TXi i Mulvey, rf 3 0 2 2 0 0 hwd- Jk yHlgJ.

crown by the ily Malcewlcz, but the A double play halted the outburst. Ily Ht.NRY Lack of discipline, because then was no central authority and disregard of small but lmprrtant detail in the arrangements handicapped the American athletes who were successful winning the 1924 Olympic games by a comfortable margin. It should have been a much iarg margin. It hss been pointed out nany times that better could be obtained if "'e team should be handled in units Instead of one big unit. That is to say that the.

management would be easier if the swimmers, the track and field athletes, the boxers, wrestlers, fencers, were not al) thrown together. This could done but It would take much mor money and for that reason would not be practical. With all the athlete togeftjei social distinctions are drawn. Athlei.ei of one group look down upon athlete of another class. The Yale rowlni crew, for Instance, would not llv with the team In Paris and had iu own exclusive quarters.

Tt.e" wer entitled to it, however as they pale the bills, but It caused hard feelings There were many cases of pett larcenies around the camp and tni boxing squad was suspicloned Just because they were boxers. Some ol the wrestleis made a show out oi themselves In public places In Parle and the whole squad was looked down on for It. The athletes who lived In tns "Olympic village" were looked upon as pets and the less favored lads in the big csmp thought they were entitled to go their own way in like fashion. There was no care taken In allotting space to the athletes. The boxers and wrestlers who engaged In night competition would get berek to camp late.

There would be nothing to eat and they would raise a row about it and awaken other athletes who needed the rest for the next day's competition. Some of the at'Metes who had finished their competition and were allowed to break training were ouar-tered with athletes in training and naturally the care-free boys could not be expected to sit around they were In a church. There should have been separate places for non-combatants. Athletes could sneak off to Paris and if they missed the last bus for the camp they could go down and share a bunk with an athlete In the "village" and wake up the whole A run came over In the sixth without the aid of a hit. Cox walked.

Riviere snatched Woehrs" arm wallop and threw It Into center field. He next tanned Devlvelros, but Tobln walked crafty cnampion, aimost, out, num series of deadly hook-scissors, caught the tearing, aggressive challenger off guard Just as the end seemed near and the title about to topple from Lewis' head. Lewis spun Malcewlcz to the floor with a thud and won the deciding fall after the first hsd been won by Lewis and the second by (to -fill the bases and Hearn helped is cause along rlth a sacrifice fly that scored cox. Opening with doubles by Nalo and Malcewlcz. Mevera.

3 1 1 3 0 0 'Jmr 1 HiiTl- ftST .1, Hallew. Sears' fumble In the left and i 4, 2 on fl WHntSk -1 ji. sacnnce ny Dy juuivey, me dbbih S5-m tt-tthin a run nr t.vlnff tna count Riviere, 01021 Tl JWm1 Totals 32 6 8 27 15 1 If 1 iviffl II MnX (1 fV4 Score by innings: i'Z. i Qt, II 7 MA' 1 twK NATIONAL LEAGUE GIANTS CATRFB K1GRTKEN HITS. Philadelphia.

June 21 tP). The Giants pounded four Philadelphia pltctiers for II hits here today to win, 7 to Score: NEW TORK I PHILADELPHIA San Antonio .210 002 010-6 3s! V- II Summary Two-base hlts-Ballew W'k IE 4 1 1 1 2. Najo, Sears. Three-base nits ajo. JkK I KV, JT 1 Jr Mevers.

Stolen base Woehrs. Sac- 7f 1 rlflces- Boggess, Hearne. Mulvey lr I rt Struck out-By Riviere 2. by Hearne II 7 4 I I jin the sixth but Nason and Phllbln were easy. Hearn batted over what proved the winning run In the eighth.

Cox opened with a single and was forced by Woehr, who advanced on a wild pitch. Devlvelros walked and Woehr took third as Tobln forced Devlvelros at second. Hearn singled through second to score Andy. Hearn almost tossed his game away in the Bears' half. With one on, he fielded Ballew's easy roller and tossed the ball high over Whelan to the grandstand.

Ballew took two bases. Mulvey's hit scored the runner. A roller and a popup ended the threat. Sears hit one of the longest i 'j uocam nolle int Niviprp n. ri i i mm ar ww' .0.

Bat er Cft RlVii U. -T I I -i ABH PO A I AB PO A Cohen, 2 2 1 4 0 2 0 Welsh. cf 2 2 OITomson.J 4 111 Llndstm.l 2 1 Hurst. lb 4 2 I ott.rf 4 1 2 11 Lea oh. If 4 2 2 0 Tfrry.lh 4 2 11 II Wlllms.rf 4 a 2 1 Jscksnss 2 12 4 12 2 Opoul.lf 4 2 2 1111 Hog.m 3 dlPrlberg as 0 fl 0 0 Pitrsms.p 4 2 1 fiDavla.c 114 0 Oenwcn.p 1 0 0 O'Lariano 2 0 2 1 Ifting.p 2 110 ItValshp 0 0 0 IMcGraw.p 0 0 0 0 Iferarusn.p 0 0 12 s.Mciwmld 10 0 0 tjShulta 10 0 0 iNjahn 110 0 (fears).

Leu 1 oases onre epo HUMTEft COCHET L. AUS5EM OE. ALVAREZ- hELEM' WIUUS end AILEEN OEMNET-t- 7, San Antonio 3. Double plays Phllbln to Flaskamper to Boggess; a room to woenrs, ueviveros; jvijauu 1 to wheian. wiw pith-Riviere.

AMERICAN LEAGUE bfc rvW, 1 Passed ball Meyers. Time 1:45. iWAj L-Pn 1 Umplrw-Barr. Hayes and Country- rallv IN MXTH Wls. MOC il W7 nAlVr)) I Detroit, June 26 t.

A batting rally 'Alt '6A Ck I doubles ever made In League park In the ninth, bumping the distant Totals 41 IS 27 14! Totsls 35 10 27 1 1 right field wall on the short first hop, but Wilson and Cox left aim aboard jrBatted for MoGraw In eeventh. sxnatte1 for Sand In alghth. JiPatted for Ferguson In ninth. Meyers walked to open the Bears' last turn at bat. instead of aacriiic in tne pintn inning gave uiitago a to i akif mL C-TTjl li ymfj.

4 1 victory oer Ietroit In the final gams of VVjf5kTS A TW sfl SAv the herB Score: TsX-v Vil i A 1 4 2 0 4 0 4 2 yf eMMA V' 'I( i 4 2 4 OIOrlngr.3 2 1 4 2 1 Score bv lnnirurs: Ink, the -Bears chose to slam it out, BY MILTON BRON'Nm. (NKA ttorrloo Wrltor.i Wimbledon, June 28. Wimbledon is back again with some of the old glory and pomp that was hers when the tiny little English hamlet wa the tennis capital of the entire world. From 1827 to 1915 British players ruled world and Wimbledon was the highest court of the universe. Forest Hills, Germantown, Pari and St.

Cloud were only the petty fields where were produced the victims lor the royal carnival outside London. But with the war period came the waning daya of Wimbledon. The Americans came and with them the Monroe Blanked By Grill; Toppers Score Two Runs N-ew York 010 2007 Wilson came In fast and took Bog Phllsdelohla 003 200 020 seas' high fly back of second base Summary! Two-basa hits C'ohen. Da Riviere batted for Himself and nit vis, O'Doul 2. Hsnd.

Rinar. Leach. Three-hass hit Thompson. Home run Hurst, stolen base Southern. Bscrlflces O'Uoul.

into very neat double play, Devi Olt, Cotaon. Jackson. Tlase on balls- 3 0 OlMcMans.l 2 1 OlEnterlg.rf 2 4 1 Holowy.p 1 61 Barret.rf 6 1 Kamm.3 4 1 Renolds.lf 2 0 Metiler.if 2 0 4 1 Berg.e 4 0 Adkins.p 2 0 veiros to Kilduff to Whelan. Officials of the two clubs were discussing the possibility of plsylng a double-header lill carte gjigjli Thursday and taking an off flay Hattiesburg. June 26.

John Grill hut out the Monroe Drillers here todsy. the Toppers winning their first game In the second 4ialf of the season 2 to 0. Friday. 1 Totals 36 9 27 121 Totals 28 3 27 14 0 Ring Fttisslmrnons S. Ferguson 1.

Struck out Ring 2. Fitsalmmons 1. Ferguson 1, (Jenewlch 1. Hits Ring 14 In 5 1-3 Innings: Walsh 4 In 2-3. none out In Beventh; McOraw nono In Ferguson notte in 2: Fttwlmmona I In 7 1-3; Gne-wlch 2 in 1 2-3.

Winning pltoher Flt-slmmons. Losing pltoher Ring. Runs Welsh, Llndstrom, Ott, Terry, O'Doul 2, Pltwlmmons, Thompson, Hurst, Leach, Band, Davla 2. Krrora Hogan. Whitney.

Mosdows, portside hurler for the visitors. worked well, but the firet half pennant SOUTHERN LEAGUE AVERAGES winners were able to cluster their blngiee. The Drillers threatened to tie the count In the eighth when Grenade and Speck singled with oue out. but Specks Loewer. French to carry away the trophies of battle and to reduce the prestige of Wimbledon to a secondary position.

Wimbledon fought for her prestige as the greatest of all battle grounds but the disputed honor was empty with Bill Tllden, Bill Johnston and Suzanne Lenglen showing up the village. The night before one of the most Important relay races, two of the atar competitors were up all r.ight in Joe Zellfs place In the Montmartre, but they went out the next day and helped break the world's record. 60. under such circ*mstances, when athletes were not tralnlu and did their work Just as weli the coaches could say nothing. But thers ried the same loose way of'IMng, failed to make good and would not accept rny criticism because he stars were doing It.

There are reasons to believe, however, that no such loose dlsciplins will exist th's year Amsterdam. Lawson Robertson, the head coach, already has warned the candidates for the. team that they will be forced to obey, and Amsterdam will not offer the temptations thst Paris had. The Olympic expedition this "car has been planned In a more businesslike way. Robertson was sent to Holland last year to look over the situation and his recommendations were adopted in whole by the committee.

The team will be quarered on the ship that takes It to Holland, Prt that will give the opportunity tor 'I pper shortstop, but the rally short LBS SPLIT WITH riKATKH. Chicago, June 5 (P). Tha Chicago Battera and pitchers of the South Cubs found three Pirate hurlers for nine with an unaesteted double play, the second one sem on tha IochI field thla season. Jn the ninth, with the tying runs on Polvogt, pinch hitting for Pitcher popped out to left field. Score: era league In the select circle for games until last week are: Score by innings: Chicago 200 000 003 Detroit 000 000 2002 Summary: Two-base hits Easterling, Gehringer, Mostll.

Three-base hit Clancy. Stolen bases Mostil 2. Sacrifices Tavener. Holloway, Adkins. Base on balls Adkins 3, Holloway 4.

Struck out Adkins 2. Holloway 1. Runs Hunne-field. Clancy. Mostll.

Clesell. Bent. Rice, Gehringer. Errors Warner 2, Tavener, Adkins. CHOWDER WINS 8I.VTH STRAIGHT.

St. Louis, June 26 CP). Alvin Crowder won his sixth straight victory as the St. Louis Browns ended the home stay with a six to three win over the Cleveland Indians here today. Score: hits today to win the second game of the dnuhle-tieartxr with Pittsburgh.

7 to 3. after dropping the first 1 to 0. Scora: First Game. Barters. I HATTIERBURCJ MONROES Playsr 7tub Btgaiow, Birm.

CHI CAW PITTSBURGH I AH Jos 34 165 BUSINESS IS BAD Baseball in Shreveport has gradually become bad business. With the loss of a couple of Saturday and Sunday games due to rain, and coupled with the failure of the Sports to get out of the second division, the Shreveport club is said to be running far in advance of 10,000 behind their attendance for the first three months of the 1927 season. It is said the decrease will go closer to 13,000 than the other mark. The Sports were just about able to hold their own in games won and lost for the present first half and with all of the clubs in the circuit strengthening for the last part of the flag race it is doubtful to see how the home nine can better their standing by September. The Sports bosses are as worried as the fans.

They realise that the present campaign is going to be a costly one. They had a few good breaks at the close of the 1927 campaign by being able to dispose of players but it's going to be difficult to find more than one man on the present squad who will draw a price from the big leagues. Last fall the Sports sold Spencer Harris, Johnny Gill, Al Williamson, Grady Adkins to higher company and later disposed of Roy Moore, George Distell, Catcher Pete Ritchie, Ching Taylor and Maurice Clark, traded Nason and Maderas. This spring Williamson was returned by the White Sox but tlay, Memphis Bryan. Blrm.

"Sallinger. Birm Wells, Blrm. Carlyls. Blrm. 47 68 111 ABHTOAl ABHPOA 4 0 1 0 Aiken.

If 4 12 0 Grenad.rf 4 2 3 OIQuasus. 2 4 12 6 Speck. ss 2 10 10 2 0 4 0 9 UParker.rf 4 0 4 0 Cambel.e 4 0 3 118 0 Phelps, 8 110 3 110 Tllton.lf 4 1 1 2 2 4 3 Palmer. 2 4 1 6 2Metteetx 1 4 1 Medows.p 3 0 1 110 1 xPoivot 1 0 0 01 Totels S3 7 24 121 Totals 28 3 27 10 Haley. Nah 118 ARHPOAl all PO t.Wanr.c.f 4 2 1 Oj lb 4 0 2 0 Adams.

2 4 0 1 BIMagulr.l 4 14 4 PWanr.rf 4 2 0 01 Webb, rf 4 0 2 0 Orantm.l .1 0 14 3 110 rtarnht.lf 4 1 1 OStevnsn.lf 2 0 2 0 Trsynr.3 4 1 0 3 0 10 1 3 12 2 0 3 2 llsrgrsv.c 4 I 7 1 1 3 2 2 Urimrs.p 4 3 1 10 0 2 'Malnne 0 0 0 0 liHethcot 10 0 0 Tolals 34 1127 11! Totsls 2 4 27 1 4 CLEVELAND I ST. LOU IS AB PO A I AF TO A Jamlsn.lf 6 1 1 OlMc.N'e'.y.rf 4 0 2 0 close supervision and now thst xHIt for Meadows In ninth. British players and then' turning over their victorious arms to Jean Borota, Rene Lacoste, Henri Cochet and Helen Wills. Iu that long stretch from 1915 only Gerald Patterson and Kitty McKane were able to win for the empire and their victories were hollow becaune the great stars were not entered against them. But Wimbledon Is back this year, not because there 13 hope for a British victory but because all of the greatest players In the world are entered In the championship tournament now under way.

No other tournament of the year will have the International appeal that Wimbledon offers and the edge even will be taken off the Davis cup matches in Paris because by the form shown by the American and French players here It may be able to forecast what Is to happen when the Americans make the attempt to take the cup back from France. It Is almost a foregone conclusion that one of the French or the American players will win the men's sin Robertson seems to have been given the proper authority It is a clncn 6 5 4 P.umj.1 4 Kumma.rf 4 Fonseca.3 4 LSewel.c 3 0 6 4 16 8 3 2 4 0 2 0 2 2 3 110 1 12 4 13 4 1 0 2 11)0 3 0 41 Rpttncrt, 3 3 2 0 6 1 2 3 2 11 0 0 3 0 0 3 xBatte-1 for Rleke In eighth. that he will exercise It. And there Wade, Kash 154 Barrett. Memphis 107 Roy, Blrm 4 3 Gardner.

V. O. 372 Johnston. Birm S29 Biandaert, Memphli 163 Stock. Mobile 13 Shirley, Birm 26S Clivton.

Chatta. CS Gilbert. Atlanta 22 Weiss. Jeanes. Memphis 231 Brber.

Nash 63 Tucker, N. O. J54 D. Taylor. Mem.

137 Angley. Atlanta Zoeller, Atlanta 229 Plerea, Mobile 44 Milner, N. 0 133 Protbro, Memphli Hi Rceenfeld. Blrm. 2H0 will not be a man on the squad too Shame, 3 tig physically to give him any Lack talk.

37 13 181 Totals 30 8 27 16 Score by Innings: Pittsburgh "no onn inn 1 Chicago 000 OHO 0 Summary: Two-base hit Wilson, Base on nslls Grimes 1. Struck out Malnne 2, Grime 0. Sacrifice" Wake, Rsrtel. Hit by pitcher Malnne (Oranthaml. Runs llarnhart.

t'lGHT RESULTS Score by innings: Monroe 000 000 000 Hattlesburg 010 000 OH 2 Summary: Error Bagwell. Two-bsae hits Aiken, Grill, Quassrus. Sacrifices Tatum, Ijoewer. Double plays Loewer, unassisted: Phelps to Palmer to Bagwell. Ptruck out Grill 4 (Irby.

Grenade. Speck. Tllton): Meadows 3 (Weaver. Mctti-er). Base on balls Grill 4 (lrby, Speck S.

Phelps). Hit by pitcher Bobo by Meadows. Left on bases Hattlesburg 6. Monroe I. Runs batted In Metteer 1.

Quaa-elus 1. Knrned runs Hattiexburjr 2, I'mplre Gaddia. Time 1.40. Runs Ta-tum. Grill.

TEXAS LEAGUE Birmingham, Eng. Jack Hood de feated Alt Manclni, London. 15. Score by lnninga: Cleveland 010 00 0(103 St. Louis 000 024 UOx 6 Summary: Two-base hits Sumrna and Fonseca.

Home run Rettencourt. Stolen baees J. Sewelt, Fonseca. Sacrifices Shaute, L. fc'ewell.

Hases on balls Shsute 2. Struck out Shaute 3. Crowder 2. Runs Summn. Fonseca 2, Manueh.

Schuite, Blue 2. Betteneourt 2. Errors llurns 2, Kress. Second Ciame. PI TTSB ROW I Boston Roberto Italy, out AB PO A pointed King Solomon, Panama.

10. Peck. 3b (212 Al) LWanr.rf 1 2 Adams, 2 0 2 New York Jlmmie Sullivan. Flor Mairuir.2 3 0 1 gles Coamplonsnip as these two na ida, technically knocked out Jlmmie PWanr, rf Ilcthcot.rf Wilson. cf -ttevnsn.

If tions have all the outstanding entries in Henri Cochet, the defending 1 3 1 0 0 13 1 2 Royal, New York, Al De Cruz, Philippines, beat Jlmmie Dyett, New York. Ilarnht.lf Orantm.l Traynor. 3 DAKKXESS HALTS GAME. Houston. Texas, June 26 W.

Darknrps BARNES' TWO HOMERS WIN. Washington. June 26 cPi. Two home runs by Barnes enabled Wsshington to defeat Philadelphia 4 to 1 today, Sore. rjrimm.l Gonwilcs.e Tony Ligourl, Des Moines, beat Joe Impeletto.

New York, 4. DID YOU KNOW THAT Timiiey said "They have showed" in a radio talk the other night And that big fat weekly magazine had a story recently all about Wilbert "Robertson," manager of the Brooklyn His name is Robinson in all other journals The jocks yelled "Foul" again on Sande in the Toboggan Handicap and the stewards Tiandcd them a printed ticket "No." They say that Kress has a lot of base running 10 learn The Reds made 5.1 double plays in their first 32 games And the Red Sox made one double kill when they got Ger-ber The golf doctors at the British woman's say that Mancttc Blan, the winnah, can't putt ilcilniann knows what's the matter with the pitchers They don't know how to relax Charley Dunklcy says there's always plenty for a sport writer to write about but it takes so much time. Hargra preceding a terrific rainstorm caused Lm-pire Donohue to call Tuesday'a ball game champion; Rent? Laconia, Bill Tllden, Jean Borotra, George Lott and John Hennessey, Even though Cochet defeated Lacoste in the recent French champion Toronto Johnny McCoy. Califor Hutler. 3 PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON Jnnfts.

nia, defeated Frenchy Belanger, To at the end of the seventh Inning, the Snudflers beat the Buffs. 2 to 0. oore: Miijus.n Hurwel.p rnwn.p xSmitti Rush.n ronto, 10; Jack Delaney, Syracuse, de HOUSTON WICHITA ship the critics believe that the cham tested ueorce Ftneld, Toronto, 6. 1 zWebb A PO A Dayton, Ohio Eddie Enderson. Chi AB PO Al 4 11 2Ilork.3h 0 Tntals SO 27 7 Tolals 3 24 1 3 2 0 3 3 10 4 3 01 Worth, rf 2 10 0 SB Pet.

fi 94 7 4 r. 6 3 14 0 .412 2 67 2 .406 19 1 .404 22 0 11 it 0 19 77 2 .389 29 59 3 .383 15 41 2 .383 10 1 0 .372 66 101 10 .371 53 55 3 .371 2 60 2 ..168 20 60 2 .308 69 96 6 .358 14 23 2 .354 61 92 7 .351 16 36 1 .347 23 60 13 .346 14 20 0 .345 41 86 3 .343 62 61 .343 11 26 1 .342 61 78 1 .341 8 16 3 .341 20 45 3 .338 40 85 0 .337 43 77 6 .3:16 12 18 I .333 10 23 0 .333 1 11 0 .333 40 74 6 .3:9 44 84 6 .828 I 7 46 4 .328 41 64 3 .327 65 91 6 .325 54 83 .324 19 73 3 .324 26 45 4 .324 7 28 0 .322 27 36 4 .321 32 66 6 .320 26 76 0 .31 9 40 89 4 .318 7 7 0 .318 73 97 12 .314 68 4 .312 33 84 .311 3 2- 66 3 .311 27 61 1 .311 18 33 0 .311 23 73 1 .308 18 37 1 .308 8 15 1 .306 28 60 2 .303 26 4 6 .300 Pet. 2 2 0 1000 110 1000 14 7 1 .875 20 1 .857 11 5 .833 18 14 3 .824 20 9 2 .818 1 7 2 .778 19 2 .750 5 3 1 .750 16 11 4 .733 13 6 2 .714 17 7 3 .70 13 8 4 .667 II 6 .667 16 4 2 .667 7 3 1 .667 6 2 1 .667 14 5 3 .625 18 9 .600 22 9 6 .600 13 3 2 .600 7 3 2 .600 1 9 7 6 .583 14 4 3 .671 19 9 7 .663 16 6 4 ,.566 17 2 2 .600 14 6 6 ,600 21 4 4 .600 1 9 2 2 .600 18 6 .600 14 3 8 .500 10 2 2 .600 5 11 .600 xUatted for Pawson In ninth. Hutted for RtlKh In sixth. Grace, P.

(14 Goucb, I. 9 Alten. Nash 33 R. Moor. Chatta.

225 C. Taylor, 256 Mlnetree. Chatta. .1.11 Lewie. Nash 16 Frederick.

Memphis 180 Niehaus. Mobile 2S0 Rhlel. Atlanta 225 Dumaa, Mobile 1.19 Dickey, L. 7 Cuilop. Atlanta 109 tleher.

Nash. 172 Klchrodt. N. O. 2S Oliver, 20 ft.

Smith. Atlanta 23 Stewart. Blrm. 290 Ellis. Mobile ISO West.

Atlanta 270 Padgett. N. O. lo Mickey, Nash. 114 Cooper, Birm 10 KUnger.

L. 237 Stahlman, N. O. 121 Ferrell, Memphis 49 Cefate, N. 0 193 Vick.

N. 0 213 Pitchers. Pitcher Club-Brown, New Orleans Rhlel, Nashville May, Memphis Wierman. Chattanooga udd. Birmingham Wells, Birmingham Roy, Birmingham Danforth.

New Orleans AH PO Al AB PO A D.vke.1,2 3 0 2 4lrtie.rf 4 0 2 0 Blshop.l 0 0 0 Harris. 2 4 13 4 Cobb.rf 4 0 1 niBarnes.rf 4 2 6 0 Cochrsn.e 3 1 4 3 12 0 Slmons.lf 4 0 0 OlWest.lf- 10 0 0 4 0 11 0, Reeves ss 3 0 2 1 Hale.Sb 4 0 1 2 19 0 3 2 4 0 3 0 0 4 1 0 1 6 Rul 3 0 4 0 Rommel. 3 ft 0 3 0 0 0 xFrenoo 1 0 0 Tolals .10 3 24 Totals 3" 6 57 9 2 1 Eldred.rf 3 1 Jenkne.If 3 0 Swensn.3 3 1 cago, and Mike Dundee, Rock Island, 111., drew, 12. Akron, Ohio Gorilla Jones, Akron, won over Billy Algers, New York, 10; Jack Rose, Akron, defeated Monk Filer, Pittsburgh, 6. Little Rock.

Ark. Jimmy Watts, Atlanta, outpointed Chlco Chlsenros, Mexico, 10. Score by Innings. Pittsburgh "00 000 0003 Chicago 030 004 00x 7 2 3 2 1 0 3 1 0 21Walker.l 3 1 14 0 7 0 Abbott. 3 110 6 OlPowcl.lf 3 13 1 0 OiLittljon.p 2 0 0 2 Stantn.l 3 0 Fmith.c 8 0 Kiofer.p 2 0 Traynor.

Three-base hit Barnhart. Stol on nase vvaner. i-acrmcps Orlmm. Race on balls Huh 1. Millua Totals 26 4 21 9' Totals 56 6 21 1 4 Score by Innings: Wichita Falls 100 100 02 Hndrlck, Bressler, Tysrn.

Bancroft, Clark. SIsier. Errors Hornsby. Houston 000 000 0 0 Summary: Two-base hits Baker, fit. Rernnd frame.

gerald. Stolen bauses Fitzgerald, Swen-son. Sacrifice Worthlngton. Double 1. Rurwell 3.

Dawson 1. Struck out Bush 3. Malons 4. Dawson 1. Hits off Jnn-s 3 In 2-3 Inning: Rush In 6 1-3: Malone 0 In Millus 4 In 1 1-3; Burwell 6 In 4: Dawson 0 In 3 2-3.

Hit by pitcher Grantham by Jones: English by Mlljus. Winning pitrier Hush. Losing pltoher Rurwell Runs P. Wnner. Grantham, Purnhart, Stephenson.

Grimm, Gnnrjilea, English, Rutler. Push. Webb. Krrora Bartell. Reck.

Butler. BROOKLYN BOSTON' Score by innings: Philadelphia 000 poo mo 1 Wsshington 200 000 02x 4 Summary: Two-base hits Miller. Gos-lln. Three-base hit Cochrane. Home runs Barns 2.

Sacrifice Doley. Base on bails Rommel 1. Gaston 2. Struck out Rommel 1, Gaston 3. winning pitcher- Gaaton.

Losing pitcher Rommel. Runs HhIb, Harris 2. Barnes 2. Errors Simmons. Foxx.

Hale. Holey, Reeves. GAMES TODAY the Sports, it is said, profited a bit by sending him to the Chicago camp for observation. That trading represents in the neighborhood of $40,000 worth of players that will be missing this year along with a general decline in attendance. It will be the club treasury that will (eel the blow.

The Sports' pitching looks promising on paper. Williamson, Wilkins, Thompson, Dickerman, Estrada, Karpp and Hearn do not look so bad. In a few weeks Joe Brown's busted finger will be healed sufficiently lo allow him to take the hill. The question is, will pitching alone make the grade for the Sporls in view of the strength being corralled by the other trams? play Swenson to Turgeon to Stanton. Base on balls Littlejohn 1.

Struck out Llttlejohn 1, Kiefer 1. Left on bases Wlnhlta Falls 6. Houston 6. Umpires Donohue and Kne. Time 1:00.

Runs Fitzgerald 2. Errors Baker. Watklns. SOUTHERN LEAGUE Gainer. Mobile Pierce, Mobile Morrell, Birmingham TI1RKF.

RCNS IN NIMH WIN. Roston, June if (fP. A ninth Inning rally for three runs gsve Brooklyn a six to five victory over the Braves In the second game todiiy and a sweep of tha double-header. The Robins took the opener, to 1. Score: First flame.

NATIONAL Lfa*gIK. Philadelphia at New York. (Only games scheduled.) AB PO Ai ABHFOA F1owrs.3 5 2 2 SI Rlchbg.rf 0 1 0 Hendrlk.3 4 1 HjSmlth.of '3210 Hermn.rf 5 3 0 OlzzMoore OS 0 0 Henllne.e 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rresler.lf 4 0 OlDHarns.lf 1 1 Rlsnnet.l 4 117 5 111 1 Tyson. cf 4 0 3 Hornsby, 2 4 1 2 4 11 4BeII.3b 4 2 0 3 Debery.c 2 0 3 4 I Carey. rf 0 0 0 Parrel.

ss 3 117 Poak.p 3 10 lSorer.c 3 0 Petty.n 0 0 OiFreigau ISO Flrhart.p 0 0 0 Olraylor.o 1 1 Vance. .0 ft 0 PIBarnes.p 3 I 2 xJHarris 110 PiBrandt.p 1 1 -ft xxStats 0 0 0 OlaSmith.p 0 1 Mosa.p 0 0 0 II Totals 31 10 2T 17 38 1 27 20 CRACKERS OVERCOME EAKI.V I.EAO. Atlanta, Juno 26 (). After spotting pionship will be wen either by Tllden or Lacoeto and the chances of a desperately fighting Tllden tire considered bright unless he should decide to sacrifice individual glory and protect himself for the American team In the Davis cup matches. Lott, Hennessey and young Junior Cocn are not as highly regarded here as they are at home principally because the English people have not seen them and they have seen so much of the star French players.

The trophy for the woman's championship Is ready to be handed to Helen Wills, the defending champion. Britain had hopes of offering a real contest this year In little Betty Nuthall, but she is wsy off her game and Miss Alleen Bennett will have to carry the colors. Ordinarily the Bennett miss would not rank high in a field of challengers Including the beautiful Senorita De Alvarez, the equally beautiful Fraulein Aussem and Kea Bouman, but Miss Wills has said she regards Miss Bennett as the most dangerous player in the tournament and the Brltlh fans are pleased to believe her. Miss Bennett lacks the nervous temperament of the Spanish champion, she has had more experience than the German beauty and her game Is better balanced than the Dutch star's and she may meet the great American star in the final round. WFJSTERN I.F.AOl E.

Ies Moines at Oklahoma t'lty. wet grounds. Pu-bio 0. lienver 2. Amarilio 3.

Omsha 4, Tulsa 7. PLANS TO ENTtR VALE. Virgil Kennedy, one of the best decathlon performers in this country, plans to enter the Yale divinity school next fall. He has been studying at Bethany. Birmingham a three-run lead in the early innings, the Crackers came back to tie the count In the eighth on doubles by AMERICAN I.EAfil E.

New York at Philadelphia. Washington at Boston. (Only game scheduled.) 8TON I RROOKLYN Poole and Cullop. making an extra Inning necessary In which the locals pushed across a marker to win, 4 to 3. Score: R.

H. E. Caldwell, Memphis Wllliama. Naw Orleans Ludolph. Little Hock Oeborne.

Birmingham Olaser. Nashville F. Johnson. Memphis Collins. Nw Orleans Walker.

Memphis Irvln, Chattanooga Ji'elzer. Mobile Sheridan. Birmingham Karr, New Orleans Griffin, Memphis Peace, Atlanta Dumont. Atlanta Woolfolk. Little Rock Shepherd.

Memphis Friday. Mobile Birmingham ...010 110-noo 0 3 7 0 SOUTHERN ASSOCIATION. Birmingham at Atlanta. Chattannega at Little Rock. Nashville at Memphis.

(Only games scheduled.) Atlanta 000 002 010 14 10 1 Batteries Roy and Taryan: Blethen and Angley. All PO Al AB PO A Flowrs.3 5 4 5 4 1 2 0 Hendnk.3 0 0 41 Moore. If 4 0 11 Hermn.rf 2 3 OiSlsler.l 4 2 11 3 Rresler.lf 3 1 1 4 3 2 3 Rlsnnet.l 3 0 3 OIRell.ib 4 0 11 Tyson. rf 4 15 Brown, rf 4 110 4 12 4 3 2 0 3 OITaylor.c 4 0 3 0 Clark, 3 1 0 10 0 2 rFrelgaii 10 0 0 jHolnwth.p 0 0 0 1 IzzDHarns 1 8 0 0 Totals 32 10 27 141 Totals 35 27 1 ffl ROCKS FINISH IN CELLAR. Little Rock.

June 26 P). Chattanooga COTTON (STATES LEAGl'E. Monroe at Hattlesburg. Jackson at Laurel. Gulfport at Vicksburg (Only games scheduled forced Little Rock to finish in last place for the first hslf of the season by defeat- SOUTHERN RACE SPLITS Alter Wednesday's games the slate will be washed clean in the Southern Association and all teams will start anew in the flag race Thursday.

This is the first time in the history of the Southern Association that the pennant race has been halved and the Birmingham Barons have won a right to have a sayso in the deciding of the 1928 championship. Should they triumph in the last half they will have undisputed claim for honors and automatically become opponents of the Texas league champions for a play-off for the disputed championship of Dixie. If they fail to win in the scmond half they will be forced into a pliy-off for the Dixie series, meeting the team that beats them out. The race in the Southern Association has found the Barons setting a mighty pace with Memphis, Mobile and New Oreans following in the wake. The real surprise of the circuit, though was the playing of Molton Stock's Mobile They were rated to contest with Little Rock for the cellar and instead have been fighting it out among the first division clubs.

They will be among the first four when the curtain is rung down. Atlanta was one of the big disappointments. In- (Continued on Fallowing Pale.) ng the Travelers, 6 to 1. hero today. Soore: R.

H. E. Robinson, Atlanta Marquis, Atlanta Chatlannoga .,..210 Oil 0106 10 1 t.ONE STAR Tyler at Texarkana. Paris at Corsicana. Mexia at Palestine.

Little Rock 000 100 0001 8 6 xBatted for Vance In ninth. xxRan for J. Harris in ninth. for Sohner in eavento. r.iBatted for J.

Smith In seventh. 3tRatted for Moors In se'-enth Soore by Innings: Brooklyn 100 010 01S Boston 00 1005 Summary: Two-bass hits Bressler. Bancroft, Flowers, Herman, Blsaonette, J. Harris. Farrell.

Sieler. Brown. Sacrifice Farrell. Base on balls Prty 5, Ehrhardt 1. Barnts 2.

Brandt 1. Struck out Peak 1. Vanes 1. Brandt 1. Hils Doak 7 In 6.

none out In aevsnth; Pett? 0 In 1-3: Ehrhsrdt 3 In 1 Vance, 0 in 5-S. Moss 0 in 1: Barnes In 7. none out eighth: Brandt 2 In 1. none out in ninth. R.

Smith I In 1. winning rttr Vw. Losing rUcher Brandt Runs H-ndrt- 2 fa Bancroft sts-RtchVri-g Smith. Sisler, rA SMMb Hirst Olornsby. fiat ten Piercy and MInetree: Mar- LONE STAR LEAGUE nuts- and Dickey.

zRattetl for Pelaney In seventh. zaBattecl for Holltngsworth In MnUv Score by innings; Brooklyn 030 O0n SON Boston ool 000 000 1 Summary: Two-base hits Hornsby 1, WESTERN LEAGVK. Omaha at Tula. Des Moines at Oklahoma City. Denver at Amsrillo.

Pueblo at Wichita. WIN THIItll OF 8KKIKM. Memph June ss tP). sub merged Nnvnvil'e under a wae of rttts Bancroft. Flowers.

Brown. Sac-r'flcs Bressler, Clark. Base on balls and runs to n-in the third game of tne to'lay, 1 to 4 Score. R. H.

E-. rlsrTt 1, rlany 2. Hollingswortti 2. TBXARRANA BEATS TVLF.B. Tesarkana, June 25 tPi.

Tex-arfcana evened the series with Tyler Tuesday, taking the second game. 3 10 1. rrlr 010 noo poo 1 T'larkejia 000 003 00i-3 8 1 Btte.rl Halber-. and Heath: Miller. Wood and Moors.

struck cut Clark 2. Iela-riey 2. Hits Nashville net) poe eio 47; Memphis 026 18 17 2 TF.XA8 LEAGl'E. Shreveport at San Antonio. Pallas at Waco, Fort Worth at Beaumont.

Wichita Falls at Houston. Retteries Ptpgrss and Bool; Kelly and Pelaney 0 In 7 Innings; Hollineswnrth 1 In 7. Hit bv pitcher Pejsnev RIso-nette). Losing pitcher Deianey, Runs Merger..

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


What famous person is from Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Earl Poitier was born on 16 December 1974 in Shreveport, Louisiana, USA. He is an actor, known for Remember the Titans (2000), Drumline (2002) and Roswell (1999).

What is the white population in Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Race and Ethnicity

In 2022, there were 1.56 times more Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) residents (105k people) in Shreveport, LA than any other race or ethnicity. There were 67.5k White (Non-Hispanic) and 4.28k Two+ (Non-Hispanic) residents, the second and third most common ethnic groups.

What was the original name of Shreveport? ›

In Shreve's honor, the Shreve Town Company and the village of Shreve Town were named. On March 20, 1839, the village of Shreve Town was incorporated as the town of Shreveport.

Is Shreveport a expensive city? ›

Shreveport, LA housing is 20% cheaper than the U.S average, while utilities are about 14% less pricey. When it comes to basic necessities such as food and clothing, groceries are around 1% less in Shreveport, LA than in the rest of the country, while clothing costs around 1% less .

What are people from Shreveport called? ›

Shreveport, Louisiana
Time zoneUTC−6 (CST)
• Summer (DST)UTC−5 (CDT)
ZIP codes71101-71109, 71115-71166
30 more rows

Who is the black rapper from Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Christopher Jerrod Dooley Jr. , known professionally as Hurricane Chris, is an American rapper from Shreveport, Louisiana.

Why is Shreveport called Ratchet city? ›

By 1999, Anthony Mandigo decided it was Shreveport's time to contribute its own style of hip-hop. He created Lava House records and brought into the industry lexicon a term he got from his grandmother — "ratchet." It became one of Shreveport's most known sounds.

What food is Shreveport, Louisiana known for? ›

From piping hot bowls of seafood gumbo and crawfish étouffée to crispy beignets, overstuffed po-boys and muffuletta sandwiches, Shreveport-Bossier is no stranger to traditional and innovative Cajun and Creole foods.

What city in Louisiana has the most black population? ›

Black Population of Louisiana
  • Orleans: 59.5%
  • St. John the Baptist: 59.1%
  • Claiborne: 52.2%
  • St. James: 48.1%
  • Iberville: 48.0%

Who was the serial killer in Shreveport? ›

Nathaniel Code, the Shreveport Serial Killer, murdered eight people, including his own grandfather in the 1980's. Code was born in Shreveport in 1956. At the age of 20, he went to prison for aggravated rape. After his release, he started killing people.

Did Elvis play in Shreveport? ›

Second only to the Grand Ole Opry, many claim the Louisiana Hayride was the most successful stage in music history. Elvis Presley at the Louisiana Hayride in Shreveport in 1956 with the original band.

What is a fun fact about Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Shreveport became the capital of Louisiana for a brief spell during the Civil War, after Baton Rouge and Opelousas were succeeded under Union control. 3. The neon words “HOT HOT HOT” conjure up only one thing in the hearts of those from the 318: Southern Maid Donuts.

Why is Shreveport famous? ›

In 1906 oil was discovered, and the city boomed. Shreveport is now the commercial and industrial centre for a three-state region (known as the Ark-La-Tex). Important products include petroleum, natural gas, chemicals, iron and steel products, cotton, and lumber.

What is the most expensive house in Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Did you know there is a Tuscan mansion in Shreveport? It is also the most expensive home in Shreveport on Zillow, coming in at $3,850,000. 433 Railsback Road is a 10,445 square foot home situated on approximately 3 acres in South Shreveport.

What is Shreveport best known for? ›

Shreveport is probably best-known for its flashy riverboat casinos, but the city is overflowing with other activities and adventures. The annual Film Prize for short films and the Music Prize are part of the Prize Fest that attracts thousands of visitors to Shreveport.

How many NFL players are from Shreveport Louisiana? ›

Newberg, who counts players on active NFL rosters as well as practice squad players and injured reserve lists, credits the Shreveport area with 11 current NFL players in a population of 441,000.

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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

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