Puranas ---Collection of Essays on Hindu Temples (2025)

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Himanshu Prabha Ray

Routledge Handbook of Hindu Temples

This handbook is a comprehensive study of the archaeology, social history and the cultural landscape of the Hindu temple. Perhaps the most recognizable of the material forms of Hinduism, temples are lived, dynamic spaces. They are significant sites for the creation of cultural heritage, both in the past and in the present. Drawing on historiographical surveys and in-depth case studies, the volume centres the material form of the Hindu temple as an entry point to study its many adaptations and transformations from the early centuries ce to the 20th century. It highlights the vibrancy and dynamism of the shrine in different locales and studies the active participation of the community for its establishment, maintenance and survival. The illustrated handbook takes a unique approach by focusing on the social base of the temple rather than its aesthetics or chronological linear development. It fills a significant gap in the study of Hinduism and will be an indispensable resource for scholars of archaeology, Hinduism, Indian history, religious studies, museum studies, South Asian history and Southeast Asian history.

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Temples in the Purulia District of West Bengal.

Arabinda Singha Roy

Journal of the Asiatic Society, Pp 119-153, Vol. LXV, No 4, 2023

In this article an attempt has been made to analyse the temple styles of the district of Purulia. More or less all the surviving temples are documented and classified according to their distinct styles. It is seen that stone and brick temples are standing side by side within a complex. It is also noted that deul is built with brick and on the other hand chala is built by stones. Temples, are decorated in a simple way with terracotta plaques for brick temples and block of carving stones for the stone temples. Beside these temples a good number of iconographical figurines are also found in the temple premises and sometimes in the sanctum of the temple. A light is also thrown on the continuation of the building of temples since 9-10th century up to 18- 19th century.

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Readings on the Temple

Naman P Ahuja

Readings on the Temple_Marg vol. 73 nos.2&3, 2022

This book moves beyond the all too well known temples at Khajuraho, Tanjore and Konarak to look at temples in Kutch, Kashmir, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and Kerala--each unique not just for its style, but also for the imperatives of patronage and diversity of public functions that their temples served. We examine rock-cut temples, extraordinary brick ones, circular yogini temples, wood or bamboo and complex multi-faceted towers. Bewildering though they may be in their architectural variety, this volume shifts our focus away from their variety, to look instead at who built temples and why? What were they used for? Given that many Hindus do not believe in image worship, what makes temples valid spaces for worship, and what legitimises their public role? What was the nature of the activities and communities they fostered and how temples also became the focus of urban centres. The approach is art historical, ethnographic and comparative. Temples, as this book shows, have adapted and changed over the centuries and served a variety of ritual functions. They have also been major centres of the arts: painting and sculpture, dance and drama. To celebrate 75 years of Marg, this bumper issue, brings together the writings of pioneering art historians who have deepened our understanding of this remarkable expression of Indian architecture. Excerpts frpom the introductions to its chapters by Naman Ahuja are available here.

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Rough Draft "Introduction," The Contemporary Hindu Temple

Annapurna Garimella

The Contemporary Hindu Temple: Fragments for a History, Edited by: Annapurna Garimella, Shriya Sridharan, A. Srivathsan, 2019

This book seeks to contribute to the study of contemporary temples by defining the term "contemporary" as a viewpoint to examine ancient as well as recently built temples and to tudy the Hindu temple from the perspective of formal and informal institutions and individuals. One question the contributors seek to address is the notion of sacrality and space-how is the experience of the divine made possible in the contemporary temple? This volume contributes to existing studies and attempts to demarcate fresh horizons for future studies.

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Templexity™ The Complexities of the Great Hindu temples

Bopparaju Suren

Editorial Assistance: Ms. Anangha Jayan, with penchant for perfection, is a master in Mass communication and Journalism is currently pursuing her doctorate program in Linguistics. She is on editorial board for more than few weeklies, magazines and is a prolific writer on current and scientific issues. She contributes to the language, style and presentation.

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The Puranas [Purāṇas] (Philology versus Symbology.) Manilal Nabhubhai Dvivedi. Collected by Robert Hutwohl

Robert Hutwohl

Lucifer, 1891

THE advent of Sanskrit on the field of European linguistic studies marks an era of great importance in the history of the world. Although the accounts I have been able to lay before you are few and necessarily very meagre, I hope nevertheless to have established that the Purānas, when read by the light of the Upanishads, become a clear commentary of the Vedas, which, in their turn, cease at once to be the first thoughts of an imaginary primitive humanity. Philology must give way to symbology in order that this result may be appreciated in its true light. It ought, in fact, to be the sole or at least principal instrument of ancient research. Symbology is the language of humanity, nay it is the language of nature. It is pre-eminently the universal language known to antiquity—the language whose alphabets are indelibly fixed on the tablet of the human mind, and whose eternal volume is the ever unalterable book of nature. Nothing but a clear, careful, and patient study of the alphabets of this language can lead us nearer that day in the history of the world, when all the different creeds will melt into one universal basis of belief and love.

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Some Distinguished Temples of Hinduism BOOK

Dr. Uday Dokras

Indo Nordic Author's Collective, 2021

Some Distinguished Temples of Hinduism --A BOOK CHAPTER I-Why were temples built? Why do we worship idols? The science of HINDU Temple Construction page 5 CHAPTER II-Medieval temple architecture: North Indian style page 23 CHAPTER III-1000 Petal Temple- Page 34 CHAPTER IV- A Shivling Established by Lord Kartikeya Himself tht emerges and submerges each day page 43 CHAPTER V-Ananthapura Lake Temple, Kerala - A beautiful lake temple with a crocodile guardian page 63 CHAPTER VI- Dashavatara दशावतार page 70 CHAPTER VII- Virat hridaya padma sthalam Chidambaram Sri Thillai Nataraja Temple page 144 CHAPTER VIII- CHIDAMBARAM TEMPLE TAMIL NADU,INDIA Interesting design Facts over and above those earlier written about page 218 CHAPTER IX- EMERGE SUBMERGE TEMPLE & GOD KARTIKEYAN-PART II page 238 About the Author page 261

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Temples in India: Origin and Developmental Stages

Vijayakumar Somasekharan Nair

This volume is a study of the beginning and evolution of temple architecture in India which covers sculptures and carvings as well. With over a hundred plates of temples and carvings on them including cave facades and pillar depictions it deals with temples constructed by the different ancient and medieval dynasties in Indian history particularly the early western Calukyan and later western Calukyans Pallava Pandya, Cola Hoyasala and Nayaka with illustrations that include maps plans of caves and even viharas and caityas it undertakes a study of the temples found in different states of India. The research discusses the variations in plans and elevations to examine development of temple architecture over time and new experiment actions in the building of temples by use of various materials. Reconstructing art and architectural styles from the remnants of the ruined temples in many places it explains terms and concepts in temple building and architecture and cites examples of various temple style and traditions including the best and earliest ones. The focus is on the Dravida and Nagara temple styles and a third hybrid form of sikhara that developed in the Deccan. Many Jaina temples are also covered.

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Dr. Uday Dokras

Indo Nordic Authors’ Collective

ELEMENTS OF INDIAN TEMPLES Part 7 Amalaka } Paper 7 • Kalasha } Paper 7 • Antarala } Paper 7 • Vahana } Paper 7 • Jagati: Covered in Paper 7 a

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Temple: Form and Function

Leslie Orr

Brill’s Encyclopedia of Hinduism, vol. II, Leiden: Brill, 2010

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Puranas ---Collection of Essays on Hindu Temples (2025)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.