Malta Nomad Residence Permit Income Tax Rules (2024)

News and developments

The Rules apply on income from “authorized work” as of 1st of January 2024 year.

The Malta Nomad Residence Permit (Income Tax) Rules in a Nutshell

Malta has recently introduced the Nomad Residence Permits (Income Tax) Rules, 2023, aimed at providing a favorable tax regime for digital nomads residing and working in Malta, subject to the applicable anti-abuse provisions. This article delves into the key provisions of these rules, highlighting the benefits for eligible individuals.

Key Legal Issues

  • Tax Exemption period on qualifying income.
  • Reduced Tax Rate on income of authorized work.
  • Application of Double Taxation Relief mechanisms.
  • International Tax Law and application of Double Tax Relief.
  • Temporary Residence.

Tax Rate in Malta for Authorised Work

An eligible main applicant engaged in authorized work will be subject to a reduced income tax rate of 10% on their chargeable income. This rate applies to only to the income derived from authorized work and is subject to any relief of double taxation as per Malta's tax treaties.TheLaw defines''Authorized Work'' as :(i) services provided by an eligible main applicant in accordance with a contract of employment with an employer who is not resident in Malta and who does not carry on business in Malta through a fixed place of business, or(ii) services performed by an eligible main applicant in a self-employed capacity for clients who do not reside in Malta and who do not carry on business in Malta through a fixed place of business, which services, in either case, are provided remotely by means of telecommunications technology as may be approved by Residency Malta Agency "

Twelve-Month Tax Exemption Period

The Nomad Residence Permits (Income Tax) Rules grant a unique tax exemption for the first twelve months for eligible applicants. During this period, individuals won't be obligated to pay income tax in Malta on the income derived from authorized work. The exemption period begins either from the date the nomad residence permit is issued or January 1st, 2024, whichever comes later.To qualify for this tax break, applicants must inform the Authority in writing, notifying the Agency about their intention to establish residence rather than merely passing through.

Taxation of Other Income

Any income, other than that derived from authorized work, will be governed by the applicable provisions of the Income Tax Act, ensuring a comprehensive approach to taxation. The employment income derived from Authorized work should not be subject to the Final Settlement System (FSS) Rules.

Exemptions for Renewed Permits

Where an individual does not renew his Nomad permit immediately after its expiry date, but applies for a new permit within a period of 2 years, the 12-month exemption period shall not apply. However, should the new permit is acquired after a period of 2 years from the date of cessation of validity of the prior Nomad Permit, the 12-month exemption period shall apply, as per the General Rule.

Personal tax compliance obligations

Nomad beneficiaries who derive income chargeable to tax in Malta are required to register for tax purposes in Malta, submit their tax return and settle the tax due, if any. This requirement applies to all Nomad beneficiaries who have acquired their Nomad status post 1stJanuary 2024.

Non-Attribution of the employer’s or client’s income to Malta.

The fact that a Nomad residence permit holder who is employed or self-employed and carries out authorized work from Malta, does notipso facto confer attribution of the employer's or clients' earnings to Malta.

Relief for Foreign Tax Payment

Nomad Residence Permit holders may qualify for relief from double taxation. Consequently, individuals can leverage the array of double tax treaties that Malta has established with other states. As a result, the potential burden of taxation on the same income by both Malta and another jurisdiction is alleviated.

What this means for you

For those considering Malta as theirtemporarybase, the Nomad Residence Permits (Income Tax) Rules provide an advantageous option. By acquiring the Nomad status, individuals couldbenefit from a reduced income tax rate on the qualifying incomewhilst working remotely in Malta.Furthermore, the Nomad Residence Permit holders enjoy the privilege of accessing the Schengen Area. This enables them to traverse freely within the Schengen Zone for the duration of their permit validity. Moreover, holders of the permit can extend this benefit to include their dependents, facilitating their relocation alongside the primary permit holder.

How we can help

Our team specialises in expert guidance on eligibilityassessment,requirements andcomprehensiveassistancethroughout theentireapplication process, including procedures for renewal. Feel free to establish contact with us for further details.In this regard our service includes:

    • Assistance in determining eligibility under this Programme.
    • Filling in the Nomad Residence Permit Application Forms and review all supporting documentation.
    • Reviewing the health insurance policy provided by the applicant. If not adequate, we assist in sourcing a standard health insurance policy that fulfils the requirements under the Nomad Residence Permit Rules.
    • Submission of the full application form and supporting documents to the Residency Malta Agency and handling all communication with the Agency. We will also accompany you to the offices of the Agency when required.
    • Upon issue of the residence permit, we will assist with the collection of the residence cards including accompanying you to collect them.
Malta Nomad Residence Permit Income Tax Rules (2024)


Malta Nomad Residence Permit Income Tax Rules? ›

The Nomad Residence Permits (Income Tax) Rules grant a unique tax exemption for the first twelve months for eligible applicants. During this period, individuals won't be obligated to pay income tax in Malta on the income derived from authorized work.

What is the income requirement for Malta digital nomad visa? ›

Malta Digital Nomad Visa Requirements

Firstly, applicants must be Non-EU nationals and must be in receipt of a minimum gross annual income of €42,000. This threshold has been raised as of April 2024.

What is the tax rate for digital nomads in Malta? ›

Previously, Nomad Residence Permit holders were subject to income tax at progressive rates, with the top rate being of 35%. Now, they will be subject to income tax at a rate of 10% on income derived from "authorised work". This low-income tax rate will apply from the basis tax year commencing January 1, 2024.

What are the tax rules for nomads? ›

The Nomad Residence Permits (Income Tax) Rules have been published on 7 December 2023. Through these rules Third Country nationals who are in possession of a valid nomad residence permit shall qualify for a reduced income tax rate of 10% of their chargeable income derived from “authorised work”.

How much monthly income is required for digital nomad visa? ›

Most digital nomad visas have a minimum monthly or yearly income requirement to maintain visa status. The average minimum monthly income requirement is between $2,000 and $3,500. Some countries allow investment in local businesses or deposits in local bank accounts in place of the minimum income requirement.

How do I prove my income for digital nomad visa? ›

What documents do you need for a digital nomad visa?
  1. Valid passport from your home country.
  2. Proof of income (such as bank statements)
  3. Proof of savings (such as bank or investment account statements)
  4. Proof of employment (such as a letter from your employer)
Apr 17, 2024

Do digital nomads pay state income tax? ›

Whether digital nomads have to file or pay state taxes will depend on the state where they were last a tax resident and the amount of time since they left. Typically, you would only need to file a State Tax return for the part of the year you lived in that state or whenever you have earned income from that state.

How is foreign income taxed in Malta? ›

For expatriates working in Malta, personal income tax rates are 15% on income up to €5 million. Conversely, any income sourced from outside Malta (including capital gains) is completely tax-free.

What is passive income for digital nomads? ›

Blogging and Affiliate Marketing

Start a blog focused on your nomadic lifestyle or interests. With consistent quality content, you can monetize through affiliate marketing. Partner with brands that align with your audience, earning a commission for every sale made through your referral.

How to avoid taxes as a digital nomad? ›

Navigating Income Tax Considerations for Digital Nomads

One way to legally minimize income tax liability in the Host location is by exploring tax treaties. These treaties exist between the employee's country of residence and the Host country and may exempt them from local income tax if certain conditions are met.

Where do I pay taxes if I am a nomad? ›

If you're a law-abiding, tax-paying US citizen, you'll file a resident tax return in your "domicile" state. That's the place you left when you began your adventure, or the place where you'll eventually return. Before hitting the road, some digital nomads relocate to take advantage of certain states' tax benefits.

What is the nomad tax exemption? ›

The digital nomad exemption authorizes individuals who qualify as a digital nomad to exempt up to 50 percent of their gross wages from state income tax, limited to $150,000, for a period of up to two taxable years during taxable years 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025.

How much do I need to make to be a digital nomad? ›

How much do you need to make to be a digital nomad? If you're traveling solo, you'll need to make at least $1,500-$2,000/month to live a comfortable digital nomad lifestyle. This could be through working online with a corporate job or freelancing. Of course, living on less is possible if necessary.

What is the foreign earned income for digital nomads? ›

The biggest exclusion available to Digital Nomads is the Foreign earned income exclusion (FEIE). This allows you to exclude up to $100k of income provided that your income is earned abroad (as opposed to unearned income or income earned in the US) and that you have spent enough time outside of the US.

What is the minimum income for digital nomad Portugal? ›

You must meet the minimum income requirement: €3,280 per month (as of January 1, 2024) or €4,096 per month if you have dependents.

Who qualifies for digital nomad visa? ›

Eligibility Criteria For a Digital Nomad Visa

Clean criminal record. A certain income (the minimum amount varies from country to country) A job suitable for remote work. Working in a country other than your destination country.

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Name: Golda Nolan II

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