How to Play the D Minor Guitar Chord (2024)

The D minor chord (often written as Dm) is a chord that evokes a sense of melancholy and contemplation on the negative side of situations. Like many other minor chords, Dm can create a heavy, serious atmosphere -- and sometimes even creates an almost otherworldly sense of drama.

An example of how to play a minor chord above.

Playing the Dm Chord

The Dm guitar chord is a staple chord in the note catalog, which makes learning it pivotal to playing a wider song base. It also happens to be a fairly simple chord, so learning it is fairly straightforward.

The standard way to play the Dm chord starts on the 1st fret:

  • Place your index (or 1st finger) on the 1st fret of the first string (high E).

  • Then, place your middle finger on the 2nd fret of the third (G) string.

  • Finally, place your ring finger (3rd finger) on the 3rd fret of the second (B) string.

  • When your fingers are positioned correctly, strum from the fourth (D) string down. Do not play the 5th (A) and 6th (low E) strings.

The D minor chord is a relatively easy chord to play, but it may still take some time for beginners to get used to since it involves stretching your fingers across three frets. If you’re just starting to play guitar, this is key chord to learn because it’s frequently found in songs of all genres.

Dm Open Position Chord (v1)

How to Play the D Minor Guitar Chord (1)

To play this version of the D minor chord using numerical notation, you’d use this pattern: x, x, 0, 2, 3, 1

There is also is a simpler way to play the Dm chord with only two fingers, however, it won’t sound as full as the open position Dm chord.

For the simplified version of the Dm chord (also known as the Dsus2 or D suspended chord), place your index (first) finger on the second fret of the 3rd (G) string. Then place your ring finger on the 3rd fret of the second (B) string. Leaving the first and fourth strings open, strum down. Do not play the fifth (A) and six (low E) strings.

Dsus2 (suspended) Open Position Chord

  • E (low) – do not play

  • A – do not play

  • D – open play

  • G – index finger on 2nd fret

  • B – ring finger on 3rd fret

  • E (high) – open play

You would use the following numerical notation for this chord: x, x, 0, 2, 3, 0

How to Play the D Minor Guitar Chord (2)

What Notes Make Up the Dm Chord?

The Dm chord follows the triad note model of its fellow minor chords. It’s made up of three notes:

D, F and A

It’s often considered a melancholy chord, but due to its diverse use, the Dm chord is hard to pigeonhole to one specific emotion.

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Songs That Use the Dm Chord

Pop Songs

The Weeknd’s smash hit, “In the Night,” blends a powerful driving percussion section with a softer, more anxious chord selection that shows the complexity and versatility of the Dm chord.

Not all songs that feature the Dm chord and other minor notes have to feel melancholy and apprehensive. shows just how catchy the Dm chord can be when accompanied with a catchy melody and horn section.

Folk/Blues Songs

Kaleo seamlessly juggles back and forth between blues-driven rock and ambient acoustic folk. This Icelandic band’s song, “All the Pretty Girls” falls into the latter category, using the Dm chord to provide a Bon Iver vibe to this acoustic gem.

Rock Songs

If there’s one thing that doesn’t need to be said, it’s Pink Floyd’s influence on the rock genre. And with one of their most well-known songs incorporating the Dm chord into that haunting choir refrain, “Another Brick in the Wall Pt. 2” is a prime example of the band’s lasting legacy.

The Beach Boys and minor chords may seem like opposites attracting on the musical spectrum, but the way this harmonizing surfer crew crafted an upbeat and catchy song in “Help me, Rhonda” with the more gloomy sounding Dm and Am chords is a testament to their musical prowess.

It can be said that the Dm chord is a serious sounding chord -- even pious in nature and tone. That notion is proven perfectly and sincerely in R.E.M.’s confessional track, “Losing My Religion”.

Who says adding a banjo automatically qualifies an artist as folk? is a modern folk/rock ode to the past, present and future counterparts of love where the Dm chords sets the tormented mood for what could have been and what will be.

Country Songs

Trisha Yearwood’s country 90s rock anthem “She’s in Love with the Boy” pits an irresistibly catchy chorus with an up-tempo verse. The result is a country classic that prominently features the Dm chord.

Now that you’re armed with a few ways to play the D minor chord, start playing it and learning some of the songs that make use of this versatile chord. With practice, you can expand your chord vocabulary and add new songs to your repertoire.

Now that you’re armed with a few ways to play the D minor chord, start playing it and learning some of the songs that make use of this versatile chord. If you'd like to learn how to play even more chords, browse Fender Play's chord library, learn about chord types, and find tips on how to master them.

If you’re brand new to the guitar, you can start with a free trial of Fender Play!


How to Play the D Minor Guitar Chord (2024)


How to Play the D Minor Guitar Chord? ›

A very simple alternative to the D minor guitar chord is to simply use a standard D chord. It's not ideal, but it's a quick-fix that's passable. Unlike other major/minor variants, you can actually use a D major in place of D minor without too much damage to the song.

What is the alternative to the D minor chord? ›

A very simple alternative to the D minor guitar chord is to simply use a standard D chord. It's not ideal, but it's a quick-fix that's passable. Unlike other major/minor variants, you can actually use a D major in place of D minor without too much damage to the song.

What might be some things we have difficulty with when playing the D minor chord? ›

Troubleshooting Common Problems When Playing The Dm Chord

Make sure your fingers aren't muting any strings by accident. If you strum too hard, the chord will be unpleasantly sharp and out of tune. Strumming softly and uniformly will help you create a more equal tone.

What are the 4 chords in D minor? ›

Chords In The Key Of D Minor
  • i – D minor, D minor seventh (Dmin, Dmin7)
  • iidim – E diminished, E minor seventh flat five (Edim, Em7b5)
  • III – F major, F major seventh (Fmaj, Fmaj7)
  • iv – G minor, G minor seventh (Gmin, Gmin7)
  • v – A minor, A minor seventh (Amin, Amin7)
  • VI – B flat major, B flat major seventh (Bbmaj, Bbmaj7)

What makes D minor chord? ›

The D minor chord is a triad formed from a root (D), a minor third (F) and a perfect fifth (A).

What is D minor equivalent to? ›

For example, F major and D minor both have one flat in their key signature at B♭; therefore, D minor is the relative minor of F major, and conversely F major is the relative major of D minor.

What is the alternative way to play the D chord on A guitar? ›

An Alternative Barre Chord Version
  • Index finger on the 5th fret of the A (5th) string.
  • Ring finger on the 7th fret of the D (4th) string.
  • Ring finger on the 7th fret of the G (3rd) string.
  • Ring finger on the 7th fret of the B (2nd) string.

Why is D minor so hard to play? ›

When played on a guitar, the open version of the D minor chord crosses three frets on the highest strings, and the guitarist must press down a pinky and ring finger on the three smallest strings in a move atypical to the shape underlining other open chords. It's not an intuitive position.

Why can't I play the D chord on guitar? ›

Fingers just have to get used to going to the right place which, like with barre chords, they eventually do. Trick really is just to not give up. Make sure you're letting the tips of your fingers fret the notes. When I first started I found the D often frustrating too -- hard to fret cleanly.

What is the easiest chord to learn first on guitar? ›

One of the easiest chords for beginners to learn is the C major chord. The full version of this open chord requires three fingers, but gives a clear, distinctive sound as it rings out when strummed. Here's how to play the C major chord on guitar in open position: Index finger on the 1st fret of the B (2nd) string.

What is the difference between D major and D minor chords? ›

If you've already learned D Major, you may notice that the D minor chord form is very similar—the difference is the note on the high E string. The D Major chord includes an F#, which is on the second fret of the high E string. The D minor includes an F, which is a half-step down on the first fret of the high E string.

How do I tune my guitar to D minor? ›

Start by tuning your low E string down one whole step to D • Leave your A and D strings as-is. Next, tune your G string down one full step to F • Then, tune your B string down one whole step to A • Lastly, tune your high E string down one whole step to D • Keep plucking the strings until you hear the correct notes.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.